College Hill

My Top 3 Tips for Getting Through a Virtual Semester

Written by College Hill | Sep 2, 2020 6:00:00 PM

For most, your fall semester is looking a bit different from what you may have been used to. Whether it's hybrid classes or fully virtual courses, learning online can be an adjustment for many.

Here are some helpful tips and tricks to keep yourself organized, engaged and conquer this semester during such unprecedented times! 

1. Organize, Organize, Organize! 

With courses completely on virtual education platforms like Zoom, Blackboard, Canvas, etc., it can be easy to get lost in assignments and exams. Buy a paper calendar planner or use online tools like Google Calendar to organize when readings and assignments are due every week. This will help you feel not so overwhelmed and jumbled during the course of your semester. 

2. Create Your Own Study Space 

Whether you are at home, in a dorm room, or in an apartment with other college roommates, it is crucial to find a space that is dedicated to your studies.

Set up a desk area in your room that will be only used for studying and engaging in online classes. Buying flashcards, notebooks, pens and highlighters to study can also help with separating yourself from your computer screen and really learning the course content. 

3. Use These Helpful Online Resources!

If you are not going to be able to go to the campus library or use in-person resources for your courses, here are some great online resources to delve into! Most colleges/universities have an online library portal that can direct you to academic publications and files that are helpful for class papers and projects.

I would also recommend reading and annotating course readings as much as possible to fully understand course topics.

Your best online resource during the semester is your course professor. Start engaging with your professor during Zoom lectures and send lecture questions via email to create a connection.  

Questions? Tweet us: @ch_threads

By Guest Blogger: Skylar Schmidt, Washington State University